Saturday, 1 October 2011

Blogger Beta now fully loaded - Freshblog

Blogger Buzz reports that the beta is done cookin' and that all systems are getting towards go on wider migration / rollout. Note that (for now) this says that migration will be possible for all users, but not compulsory. I guess the whole "team blog" deal must be mostly fixed now too, then?
The addition of FTP to the beta means that account migration will soon (like Really Really Soon) be available to all Blogger users -- it's currently just enabled for blogspot users.
Let's see what's next! (Really really soon would tend to suggest hours to me in terms of a timescale....)

Filed in:
Posted at 4:33 PM by John.
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Blogger Greg said...
I must admit to being quite surprised that the FTP option is being included. I assumed the ability to display posts by label (and combinations of labels) would blow out of the water this option.

Does Blogger publish a page for each label as well as each archive period? How does it combine them?

On a related note, Blogger Beta supports bulk labelling of posts - just the thing for retro-fitting tags to your blog.

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Anonymous phydeaux3 said...
To answer one of Greg's questions since I've tried it out. Blogger does indeed publish a separate page for each label.

Archives are published as normal.

Like you I was surprised that labels made it into FTP support as well. I figured they would keep that blogspot only.

A comment on the post..although the buzz article doesn't mention compulsory don't think it won't be (at least at some point). How they will do it is of course unknown, but eventually everyone will be assimilated. And the word on the street is that really really soon in Bloggerspeak means a timescale based on weeks. But I suppose we shall see.

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