Saturday, 1 October 2011

Widgets on Main / Archive / Label Pages - Freshblog

Vivek writes to point out his latest beta how-to... Conditional code for your widgets. Using this info, you can tell a widget to only show up on the main, post, archive or label page, and thusly customise your beta blog. All good stuff. While we're zipping through a new beta hack or two, check out Deniz's repackaging of the good ole' referrer script for beta blogs. If you're looking for a recent referrer list, this is the way to go.

Filed in:
Posted at 4:14 PM by John.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Today I blogged about you at

Faultline USA

For some reason I keep getting error messages with Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger and the Kalsey pinger. I was only able to send one successful trackback ping on Wizbang.

Faultline USA

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